Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Orion Nebula

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Orion Nebula [diffuse nebula] (19/08/12) - a truly beautiful sight. It is visible with the naked eye on a clear night as a small smudge just below Orion's belt. I took this with about 30 secs of exposure and stacked 5 images.

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Orion [constellation] (09/09/12) One of the biggest and most obvious constellations in the sky, but it looks amazing. Took this shot with a long 2 min exposure on 800 iso. You can see the Orion nebula below the belt of three stars. I will upload a close up shot of the nebula as well.


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Betelgeuse [Star] 19/8/12 - Red Super-giant - if it was placed at the centre of our solar system, its circumference would engulf Jupiter. Expected to go Nova in about 1 million years (pretty soon in stellar terms)
The Moon
[click the link for the original]

I'll start with on of the most common astrophotographs that people take: The Moon.

This picture is comprised of two images that I sliced together because the disk of the moon was too large through the telescope.

This was also one of the first pictures I ever took so its a little blurry. But still the detail is great.

The New Blog

I thought I'd create a space (no pun intened) where I could upload my AstroPhotographs in the highest possible resolution, because facebook compresses pictures.

So here it is, Enjoy!